
6th Year Anniversary of the CUD Program in Myanmar

Alongside our milestone of 10 years for the CFL Program, Cufa this year celebrates its 6th anniversary of the Credit Union Development (CUD) Program in Myanmar. This program has focused on building the capacity of Village Savings Banks (VSB), inspiring energy and confidence to foster growth.

Cufa’s CUD program begins with a simple approach: providing training in bookkeeping, business skills and governance. As the VSB’s absorbed the training, Cufa then organised an opportunity to visit successful Credit Unions and banks, giving these members the opportunity to learn further. As the VSBs grew, it was able to connect with other VSBs, sharing lessons learnt and successes. This wider community of VSB’s that sprung up shared ideas and encouragement, connecting with more communities across Myanmar. Recently, the Shwe Myanmar VSB celebrated their anniversary, with members conducting powerful sharing sessions to express their feelings, perspectives, and trust in their VSB.

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