As you may know, Cambodia is currently dealing with a significant outbreak of Covid-19, resulting in lockdown measures being implemented in multiple urban areas around the country.  Given the developing situation, our Cambodia staff has not been able to visit the communities that we work with, affecting the delivery of our programs.

Since the cases have increased to an average of 500 cases a day, particularly in the Phnom Penh area, the government has prioritized its vaccine rollouts to these high-risk areas. As of the 10th of May, 19,743 cases have been detected, of which 126 people have died.

To ensure our communities receive all the support they need, our staff has been tirelessly providing over-the-phone support, as well as providing video lessons for the Children’s Financial Literacy Program. As of the 4th of May, 1718,708 people have received their first jab across Cambodia. Among these numbers, half of our Cambodian staff have received their Covid-19 vaccines, provided by the Cambodian government minimising the risk of exposure and infection once movement around the country is allowed.

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