
Children’s Financial Literacy Program Now Going Virtual!

The pandemic has had a significant impact to Cambodia’s education system, as schools continue to close to prevent further spread, affecting the delivery of our Children’s Financial Literacy Program in regional Cambodia. Cufa’s team remains committed to delivering financial literacy to our participant students, has and has adapted to provide lessons via video for students from grades 1 to 6.

As we commence the rollout of the video lessons, our field officers met with Yeuon Kung, an 11-year-old student from the Kampong Cham province, along with her grandmother. During their visit, Yeoun was happy to be able to receive her lessons from the safety of her home. Given her family’s financial situation, Yeoun did not imagine the option of learning from home. 

“My home is in a rural area, so when the school closed, I did not have the opportunity to continue with my studies. Since my family is poor and we do not have a tablet or smartphone, I never thought I could watch the video lessons. Luckily, with the help of Cufa and the school, my teacher lent me a tablet to learn at home.”

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