
Count4Kids app in Myanmar!

We’re getting ready to launch the Children’s Financial Literacy App next month in Myanmar! The Count4Kids app has been used in Children’s Financial Literacy classes in Cambodia since 2015, making the lessons even more fun and playful! Now localised into Burmese, this customised app for Myanmar classes has been made possible through a partnership with CPA Australia. 

This app is a digital classroom tool in this transformative program for poor and disadvantaged children. Cufa’s Children’s Financial Literacy classes teach financial literacy skills, and encourage the importance of saving from a young age to children 6-12 years old.

Cufa’s Myanmar team are so excited to unpack the phablets loaded with the customised local version of the Children’s Financial Literacy app!

Cufa's Myanmar team unpack the phablets for the CFL app

The Children’s Financial Literacy program has taught over 90,000 children in Cambodia and Myanmar, with an enormous impact on the lives of young children and their families. Evaluations of the program highlight the impact of good savings habits, and 72% of participants continue to save two years after the program completion.

Watch this space as we’ll share photos and stories from the June launch of Children’s Financial Literacy app for Myanmar.

Thank you to CPA Australia for creating infinite value through financial literacy education!

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