
Courtesy of World Council of Credit Unions

Courtesy of World Council of Credit Unions

International Credit Union (ICU) Day® has been celebrated on the third Thursday of October since 1948. The day is recognized to reflect upon the credit union movement’s history and to promote its achievements. It is a day to honor those who have dedicated their lives to the movement, recognize the hard work of those working in the credit union industry and show members our appreciation.

This year’s ICU Day will take place on Oct. 16, 2014. Its theme, “Local Service. Global Good.,” emphasizes credit unions’ positive impact in their communities and around the world.

 “ICU Day was established to acknowledge credit unions’ strong base in their communities, both local and global,” said Brian Branch, World Council president and CEO. “This year’s theme champions the credit union model by shining light on the industry’s support of charity causes at the local, national and international levels.”

The ultimate goal is to raise awareness about the great work that credit unions are doing around the world and give members the opportunity to get more involved. Credit unions and associations throughout the world celebrate the day with open houses, contests, picnics and parades.

The World Council of Credit Unions offers a variety of promotional resources to help credit unions prepare for and celebrate ICU Day.


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