
CUFA Wins Business Awards

Drum roll please: CUFA wins accolades in two top business awards.

Finalist, Charity category, Telstra Business Awards.

CEO Peter Mason said: “I was proud to be a finalist in the Charity category, which acknowledges that charities are businesses, that we have the similar challenges and that we use the same tools to connect with our stakeholders as for-profit organisations. I am pleased that the Awards gave us all a legitimate voice in the business community.”

Winner of two categories at the NSW Business Chamber Regional Awards: “Excellence in Business Ethics” and “Excellence in Small Business”.

“Winning two awards at the NSW Business Chamber was a wonderful surprise,” said Peter. “CUFA staff work tirelessly in the field to combat poverty in the poorest communities in our region. They inspire me on a daily basis to achieve business outcomes so that our organisation is sustainable and ethical. Being acknowledged for this work is satisfying.”

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