
Why you should donate to Cufa this Christmas

Do you want to make a difference for someone less fortunate these holidays? Find out why you should donate to Cufa today!

Our programs

At Cufa, our programs focus on providing sustainable change within communities, a hand up, not a handout. We supply the most disadvantaged people the tools to break the poverty cycle.

Cufa’s work focuses on alleviating poverty through economic empowerment. We teach young people the importance of saving, empower women to gain financial access, provide employment services, help finance and train rural entrepreneurs and much more!

Our results

We have reached over 4 million people each year through our programs and our results show the impact that we have had on developing communities.

For each $1 of donor funds we create $12.33 of social value and over a 1.75 year period Cufa created over $30 million of social value in the form of jobs, businesses, community-owned banks and much more.

Some of our programs have performed exceptionally with some of these examples including:

Village Entrepreneur – $28 of social value for each $1 invested

Bougainville Youth Project – $13,530,299 social value created

SRIRI Project – 707 people employed

Credit Union Development Cambodia – 21 credit unions formed

Credit Union Development Timor-Leste – $266,456 total community savings


Why you should donate to Cufa this ChristmasWhy you should donate to Cufa this ChristmasWhy you should donate to Cufa this Christmas


You can read more about our amazing results in our Social Return on Investment report.

Our success stories

We have seen countless unique stories about the way in which Cufa has had a life-changing impact on people’s lives. All of these stories are special and portray the importance of different aspects of our work.

These range from young people with savings goals such as Samnang Sun saving up to one day study to become an engineer to Chek Chin overcoming various setbacks to start his own business.

Read some of our latest success stories here.

Make a life-changing contribution these holidays and give someone less fortunate a much needed helping hand!


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