
From Young Entrepreneur to Storyteller

As the sunrise announces the start of a new school day, 12 year old Sina helps her grandmother in her vegetable garden, hoping to increase their daily income. Once she finishes her morning, Sina rapidly prepares herself to be at school on time, as she has been waiting to learn more about Cufa’s Children’s Financial Literacy Program. She knows that not only this will be a fun day to learn something new, but also she wants to pass on this knowledge to her most beloved family person, her little sister.

At such young age, Sina was aware that her daily expenses were too high, and that she was not able to save, yet she did not know how to save big with very little. Despite having some extra income from her grandmother’s vergetable garden, she felt the need to have the right skills and tools to grow. Once Cufa provided Sina with the five fundamental topics of the CFL, her view and attitude towards savings changed completely.
“I started saving and now I’m planning to purchase a bicycle, books, and pens when I need them. Therefore, I don’t need to ask money from my parents”.

When Sina knew Cufa would pay a visit to her parents, she could not contain her excitement, as she and the Cufa staff could reinforce her entire family with financial literacy. Now she is proud to use her knowledge to pass it onto her sister and friends in the way of storytelling, which she narrates in the story of “Ronnie Riel”, provided by Cufa’s CFL Program.

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