
Integrating Recycling Practices Into Our Livelihoods Program

In May 2020, our Livelihoods program pivoted to meet high demands for sanitation products, due to the unexpected turn of events brought by Covid-19. Since then, Community Soap Enterprises such as the Rung Roeung Soap Community have made their goals clear; to produce and sell affordable dishwashing and laundry soap to people in remote villages, whose access to liquid soap is difficult due to high costs; and to generate income and jobs to support their community members during the pandemic.

As part of Cufa’s commitment to the environment, we encouraged our Community Soap Enterprises members to recycle plastic bottles, often littered around the community. This initiative resulted in the Rung Roeung Soap Community reusing bottles, reducing costs, and maximizing profits.

“My team and I collected these bottles, clean and ensure they are for hygiene and quality standards for reuse. By recycling these bottles, not only do we reduce costs or purchasing new bottles for use, but also, we are taking care of the environment, particularly in our community” – Mr. Choun

Despite recent lockdown measures being implemented in various provinces of Cambodia, Cufa remains committed to equip and provide assistance to its recipients with our grassroots approach to alleviating poverty.

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