Leonarda is 56 years old and lives in Maubisse Village, Timor Leste. She has four children and is works really hard as a farmer, raising animals and selling their produce.
Leonarda’s life changed when she began attending CUFA’s financial literacy training. Before the training, Leonarda didn’t know where or how to save for her future or her goals, but she soon learnt how to manage her own money through her local credit union.
Inspired by what she was learning, she encouraged her husband and her children to participate in the weekly training CUFA was providing. Soon the whole family started saving money in Hanoin ba Futuru Credit Union, saving about $50 each month.
Eight months after joining the credit union, Leonarda successfully applied for a loan so she could build a house. Amazingly, Leonarda has already paid off that loan, and then got a second loan to help her expand the micro enterprise she has set up in her house.
Leonarda is extremely grateful for the training that CUFA has provided her as it totally changed her life and enabled her to build a house and run a successful business, to better provide for her whole family.