
MEDIA RELEASE – Microfinance Expert, Mahir Momand, Joins New Cufa Podcast Episode



Today, Cufa announced the release of a new episode that focuses on microfinance in their podcast series, Conversations in Development. The podcast is hosted by Cufa’s CEO Dr Peter Mason and journalist Olivia Rosenman.

The episode features microfinance expert Mahir Momand as a special guest. Mahir is the founding CEO of Thrive Refugee Enterprise, a not-for-profit focused on providing microfinance and mentoring assistance to refugees in Australia for starting their own business.

More than 150 million of the world’s poorest people are assisted by microfinance. It is a market-driven approach to development, alleviating poverty through the creation of local economies and sustainable livelihoods. The microfinance programs run by Mahir have helped establish a total of 165,000 small and medium business enterprises in Afghanistan. These have provided a livelihood for nearly 1 million people.

This Conversations in Development episode, with the aid of Mahir’s experienced insight, explores the basics behind the topic of microfinance, using examples from his work in Afghanistan. He details how he reduced poverty, addressed gender inequality, and ultimately threatened the basis of the Taliban insurgency.

Microfinance is a proven method in alleviating poverty in developing nations.” said Dr Peter Mason, CEO of Cufa. “Microfinance provides an opportunity to develop microenterprises for those that do not have access to financial institutions. By combining the teaching of business skills and microfinance, the most disadvantaged individuals can build a successful business.”

Conversations in Development is available to download and stream with Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast platform.

Visit the podcast website:

Conversations in Development: RSS feed

Dr. Peter Mason is the CEO of international development agency Cufa. Cufa’s programs focus on economic development of underserved and disadvantaged communities across the Asia Pacific region. With multiple approaches including education, employment, enterprise, and financial institution development, Cufa’s projects are implemented by local Cufa offices and country staff who work with local communities, organisations, and government. Peter has worked in Cambodia, Timor Leste, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, and the Federated States of Micronesia. His research interests include examining the way in which the social and the economic interact within the development environment and he has recently published a chapter, Credit Unions, in The Routledge Companion to Alternative Organization.

Olivia Rosenman is the executive producer of Fourth Estate, a weekly media affairs show radio broadcast in Sydney on 2SER. She has previously worked as a reporter for news agencies in both Sydney and Asia. As an AusAID Youth Ambassador for Development, Olivia ran the communications department of a disability services organization in Nanning, China. Olivia holds a Master of Journalism from the University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Sydney.


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Carolina Flores

Marketing and Communications Manager
1300 490 467

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