
Our Latest Social Return on Investment Report (SROI)

Cufa is proud to announce our 2018-2020 Social Return on Investment (SROI) Report, an exhaustive analysis of our programs and the social value achieved. When we first began conducting this analysis, the Social Return on Investment framework was chosen as it sets in simple monetary terms the social value our programs create. Overall, the report will demonstrate how in only three years our programs were able to generate $7.91 in social value for every $1 donated. A figure we are very proud of, despite the devastating effects of Covid-19 during the course of 2020.

Within a short timeframe, we can already observe the impact on the lives of the people we work with. Through our livelihoods program, Savin was able to develop her micro-enterprise, which produced liquid soap for distribution to the local community. In addition, the workshops reinforced individuals with basic bookkeeping and retail management. As a result of the workshops and the peak of the pandemic, Savin was able to sell 76 liters of soap to her community.

At Cufa, we believe that our newest Social Return on Investment report will demonstrate the power of our programs and the transformational change it has created in the Asia-Pacific region. We hope that you enjoy reading our latest Social Return on Investment report.

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