In more exciting news, further to our new look and website, CUFA will also be launching its very own podcast series called Conversations in Development.

Co- hosted by CUFA’s very own CEO, Dr Peter Mason, and audio producer and journalist, Olivia Rosenman, each podcast will deliver lively, witty, and thought provoking discussions among the co-hosts and a special guest, who is an expert in any one of a wide range of development related topics.

Podcasts will explore diverse themes around development covering everything from; what do women bring in resilience, disaster response, and recovery? How can aid prevent conflicts and violence, rather than just help to restore peace after it has occurred? How can refugees contribute to economic growth by creating jobs for themselves and others? Plus much, much more!

Get set to be inspired, intrigued and enriched by Conversations in Development, CUFA’s brand new podcast series, streaming to you soon. 

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