Privacy Policy

Cufa is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information.
Cufa must adhere to the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) in relation to collecting, using, disclosing, securing and allowing access to your personal information.

Here we provide the information that the Privacy Act requires us to communicate to all of our supporters.

Your personal information

  • Your name
  • Contact details such as address, phone, fax, email
  • Bank account or credit/debit card details if provided by you
  • Contribution and participation history
  • Your activity profiles setup by you or by Cufa on your request

Should you wish to remain anonymous and not provide any details, or insufficient details for us to provide a contribution tax receipt – Cufa is unable to acknowledge receipt of your contribution or provide a receipt, until sufficient information is provided by you.

How we collect personal information

Cufa collects and stores information provided in a variety of ways, such as: by supporters in contribution pledges and payments; by registration to participation based programs; signing up for newsletters and other publications; as contacts of partners, suppliers and other relationships where individuals interact with Cufa.

We collect personal information directly from you, or as provided by a representative of the organisation you also represent.

Other sources would only include publicly available sources of information.

How we use your personal information

Your personal information may be used to:

  • Process any contributions, registration and expressions of interest you may send to us
  • Send you information about Cufa including newsletters, reports and appeals; and details as necessary based on your engagement with Cufa

If you do not wish for us to contact you about latest appeals or projects, or only want contact in specified ways, please call 1300 490 467, or if registered to use Cufa web services, update your communication preferences, accessed from your login home page.

Disclosing your information

Cufa will not disclose information about you to any other organisation apart from occasional providers such as:

  • Your financial institution in the case of direct debit or some credit/debit card transactions, where authorised by you

These organisations are also bound by the National Privacy Principles. If your information is to be used or disclosed for additional purposes we will not do so without your consent.

Help us keep your information accurate

Cufa aims to ensure that the information we hold about you is accurate, complete and up-to-date, based on information you provide.

To assist us with this, please contact us if you are aware of any changes required to your personal information.

Keeping your information safe

Cufa holds your personal information in secure physical and electronic mediums.

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is not misused, lost or subject to unauthorised access or use.

You can access your information

You have a right to access the personal information that Cufa holds about you.

Typically where your email address has been provided and you are registered to access Cufa web services, you can review the personal information we hold about you, and change your address and other contact information. If your name or email address changes, please contact Cufa as only we can update these details.

All requests for access to personal information should be made by email, post or phone as detailed below.

Please contact us on [email protected] if:

  • You have any queries about the privacy policy of Cufa
  • You want to know what personal information Cufa holds about you and how you can gain access to it
  • You believe that your privacy has been breached and you wish to make a complaint
  • You would like to raise concerns about the organisation’s operations in Australia or any other place where we operate
  • You would like to make a complaint regarding an alleged breach of the Code to the ACFID Code of Conduct Committee

Child Protection Policies

  • All prospective representatives of Cufa are to be made aware of Cufa’s Child Protection Policy in the initial stages of the recruitment process;
  • As part of Cufa’s screening process, all representatives who are applying for employment will be asked to complete a written application, personal interviews and reference checks. Applicants will be asked about previous work with children during the interview process. All prospective representatives of Cufa who are applying for child-related employment must sign a Prohibited Employment Declaration Form for working with children;
  • All prospective employees of Cufa in Australia must agree to have Cufa undertake a National Criminal History Record Check and a Working With Children Check. All prospective representatives of Cufa who are applying for child-related work in overseas jurisdictions must agree to undertake equivalent type checks as available in the relevant overseas jurisdiction. If no such checks are available in certain jurisdictions, every effort must be made to suitably screen the applicant during the interview process, double check references and staff members to sign a Child Protection Declaration.

Contact us in these ways

Post: Cufa, GPO Box 1016, Sydney NSW 2001
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 1300 490 467 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Further information about privacy

The Commonwealth Government Privacy Commissioner’s website at
