
Team Makes Field Trip in Myanmar

Cufa’s team has recently made a field trip in Myanmar to Pa Tauk Tan Village in Taik Kyi Township to visit and assist participants of our Credit Union Development project.

The program is initially set up within a community signing people up to a community-owned bank to gain financial access. Following this, the program looks at increasing the member’s financial education. This is achieved via a range of methods such as bookkeeping training and learning about loans and interest.

Once the program is established, smaller livelihood projects are delivered to improve the living standard of the local communities. All of the pictured participants below are members of their local community-owned bank. They are working in Roselle fields picking and packaging it to be sent to the markets for sale.

The Cufa team members field trip in Myanmar provided a learning experience for both themselves and the participants. They assisted and encouraged participants to build a deeper engagement with the program. At the same time, they gained a better understanding of the living conditions of the participants and their types of work.


Team Makes Field Trip in Myanmar interacting


The program fosters independence within disadvantaged communities. It provides the tools for people to break the cycle of poverty through businesses and financial access. The program makes a life-changing difference by encouraging locals to work hard, spend wisely and by encouraging them to learn.

Roselle is an extremely common farming plant in rural Myanmar. It is the most widely eaten and popular vegetable in the country. Its uses vary but the most popular include in curries and soups. Other uses of roselle include the making of jam and tea from the flowers and in salads as the leaves are used as a spicy equivalent to spinach.

The Credit Union Development program targets disadvantaged communities in the rural areas of Cambodia and Myanmar. It provides financial access and education and consequently makes a massive difference to the lives of people within these communities.

Find out more about Cufa is providing financial access with the Credit Union Development program.

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