
The Business of a Village Entrepreneur During the Pandemic

While the Village Entrepreneur Program often lasts about 3 years until a VE becomes self-sustainable, the spread of Covid-19 and the lockdown measures have prevented our Cufa Officers from visiting these provinces. Nonetheless, as the program continues, so do our staff. Through video calls, phone calls and emails, our local staff have been successful in maintaining contact with our VE, whilst also providing the necessary technical and financial support.

Recently, our local staff spoke with Vun Vorn, a mother of 5 who commenced her VE journey as a grocery seller in June 2020. After a difficult year, our staff discussed some of Vun’s achievements during her first year as a VE. Among one of her most surprising successes, Vun only had an income of about $28 per week, which she had to split among her 5 children for clothing, education, food and home expenses. As her business grew and her sales increased, Vun now earns around $100 per week and expected to grow even more in the coming years.

“Previously, my husband and I struggled to pay the education of 2 of our children who are in high school. Now, despite the pandemic, we can provide for their education at home, as they’re currently taking online classes”

As Vun continues to proactively save and budget her profits to expand her business, Cufa is eager to keep providing support to all VEs by all means possible and hopes to have the possibility to visit these communities once travel is permitted.

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