
Timor-Leste leadership experience – opening February 2015!

By Jesse Mitchell, Marketing Manager CUFA

We are excited to launch a new Leadership Experience called Banking on Football™. It’s a unique overseas volunteer trip combining playing football and teaching kids in schools in some of the poorest communities in the world.

Volunteers travel to Timor-Leste spending two weeks assisting with an important financial education and football program for children in one of the poorest countries in Asia while being immersed in the fascinating Timorese culture and way of life.

The program combines learning and play and provides important life skills to help equip children for the future, ultimately helping communities to break free from the poverty

Here are some highlights of the trip:

  •  Discovering beautiful Timor-Leste, one of the Asia-Pacific’s emerging tourist destinations
  • Visiting forgotten tropical islands, the world’s second largest concrete Christ and sampling local Timorese culinary delights
  •  Meeting with CUFA’s local staff in Timor-Leste and learning how CUFA is teaching local children about financial literacy
  •  Helping Timorese children learn through play, by sharing your passion of football


  • Dates: 4-15 February, 2015
  •  Registration fee*: $1,800
  •  What does this include: Return flights, accommodation, all meals, visas, English speaking local host and all on-ground transport.
  •  Fundraising target: $3,300
  •  Engagement: Finding 3 community investors to support 3 village entrepreneurs
  •  Total trip duration (including travel): 10 days (includes children’s financial literacy classes and participation in the children’s football program)
  •  Accommodation: Local style twin-share accommodation
  •  Minimum age: 18

Interested? Register your interest at or to find out more call us on 1300 490 467.


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