
Urbanisation: Building Better Cities

Conversations in Development LogoThe Conversations in Development podcast is preparing to release another episode, delving into urbanisation as an issue in development. So far the podcast has taken on a range of different issues from voluntourism to child labour and sport and development.

This episode, Urbanisation – Building better cities, will be released on Monday 11 March with Dr Paul Jones of the University of Sydney appearing as the expert guest, alongside Cufa CEO and podcast host, Dr Peter Mason.

After beginning with a simple definition of urbanisation and explanation of the issues surrounding urban development, the episode explores a variety of examples and case studies from Kiribati in the Pacific to Bandung in Indonesia. Together Paul and Peter discuss what it is like to work in these environments, what challenges they pose and what we can learn from them in developing many of our cities in Australia. Paul unpacks our understanding of the contemporary city and how our education system can adapt to teach the minds of tomorrow.


Urbanisation: Building better cities conversation


Paul Jones is an associate professor at the University of Sydney. Paul has 30 years of professional experience in developing sustainable urban management, development and planning solutions in Australia and overseas. Within this experience, he has worked across Asia and the Pacific and spent over 8 years living in Kiribati as their first urban development planner. Along with his position at the University of Sydney where he teaches a range of subjects he also runs overseas workshops, providing field experience and works with development agencies such as UN Habitat, ADB, UNESCAP and formerly AusAID. 

Get up to date with the podcast by listening to previous episodes. Simply search “Conversations in Development” into Apple Podcasts or your favourite streaming service. Episode 10, Urbanisation – Building better cities streaming from Monday 11 March 2019.

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