
Why you should donate this End of Financial Year!

How can you help out this end of financial year?

Boy smiling in uniform

By donating to Cufa you will give people a hand up in life by:

  • Educating young people to create a better future
  • Developing village savings banks
  • Supporting rural small businesses
  • Helping the poor and disadvantaged gain employment

The programs that you contribute to can improve people’s lives on a grassroots level. They assist in providing some of the general necessities that we often take for granted. The people that Cufa assist:

  • Are able to send their children to school
  • Can afford medicine and healthcare
  • Install electricity and toilets in their homes
  • Have access to safe and affordable financial institutions

Value created by Cufa

Cufa reaches over 4 million throughout the Asia Pacific with over 90 cents from every dollar donated to Cufa going towards affected communities.

These amazing programs would not be possible without our valued supporters.

Help alleviate intergenerational poverty within rural communities in the Asia Pacific. Make a tax deductible donation today!

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